Sunday, December 1, 2013

New Image for sale!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Self-Portrait Show Preview

Just wanted to get the ball rolling with a preview of my self-portrait show that will be hung july 2014 at the Murray Art Guild. I haven't had a solo show since my days at Southern Illinois Universiy in 1996 and that was for drawing. Any how this is my first self-portrait photography exhibit. Over the years I have had some lovely oppurtunities to show my Photographs and drawings in places like the Arc Gallery in Chicago, Museum of Contemporary Art (Chicago), and the Chicago Cultural Cernter for various group shows and collaborations. For a long time after that I froze up and stopped showing my work, let alone creating it. It was just over four years ago that I started back into it with collage, drawing and photography. Last Novemeber I decided to brush away the cobwebs and showed a photograph called "Vintage Bike" at the Murray Art Guilds Members Show. It has been an interesting and bumpy road back into making art. My mother and biggest supporter passed away from cancer almost three years ago, I have moved to Murray Kentucky after living in Chicago. So many changes in such a short time, but I thrive on change. This you can also  see in my selection of self-portraits from 2012-2013. Enjoy and tell me what you think. I am toying with show titles of "She" and "Her". I am open to new titles as wel. Drop me a line and give me your input! Thank you inadvance!
Stacy Frett -Artist, Photographer, and Wandering Soul.

Monday, July 29, 2013

List of Participating Artists for the "In The Toilet " Show at the Murray Art Guild

Participating Artists:

Diane Karas-Miller
Sara Meijer
Susanne Helmert
Abra Alani Cole
Michelle Cantino
Matthew Todd
Amanda Daughaday
Phyllis Rusell
Liberated Leal Photography
Tina Sexton
Ivy Ho
Mark Kandt
G. Evelyn
Angie Turner
Wanda Lotus
Sue Gregan
Sue Dericks
Jerry Dericks
Hannah March Sanders
Julie Lopez
Drew McNally
Stacy Michelle Frett
Marie Dolchan
*Will add more to the list if late entries arrive.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Sweet Reflections

Sweet Reflections came about as a new image in my series on shooting reflections over the past year.  I have always enjoyed the moment when I can combine to completely different objects or scenes without the aid of photoshop. Sometimes the most amazing combinations occour, other times it is a big mess. This one is pretty sucessful. The only process for this piece was to bump the color and crop it, otherwise it was what I saw in the camera. I hope you enjoy the image. I would love some feedback.
Thank you and have a beautiful day!

Stacy Frett :)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Art In The Toilet!?

#Stacy Frett #fPOE #f_POE #MAG #MurrayArtGuild #MAGPix #stacyfrett #murray #kentucky

What is Stacy Frett up to now?

Starting to get excited! Am curating an international show at the Murray Art Guild called 'In The Toilet" It goes up August 2013.

 What might you ask is this about? Was looking at providing a show in an alternative space. The Gallery at the Murray Art Guild is often booked a year or two in advance. I thought why not try and put up a show in a room here that gets very little use -- The W.C., Restroom, Bathroom, or Toilet as it is often referred to. My idea was received with interest, laughter, and some reservations. "Why would you want to put up a show in a bathroom of all places?" was the commonly asked question by artists and and people in general. My answer was simply "Why Not?" All to often convention leads us to not explore alternative spaces to hang art. The global village is geting smaller and space is becoming a premium. 

 "What kind of art would you hang in a bathroom?"

 I pondered that for a bit and came to the conclusion that smaller pieces about 4x4 inches would be great for such a small space. The subject matter for this show was chosen as the toilet, whether it the sole object or prop in a photograph, painting, or drawing. 

"Who participates in a show like this?"

I was a little unsure in the beginning if I would get any response at all for the international call for submissions. Currently I am receiving images from around the globe. Places like Singapore, Amsterdam, Germany, Illinois, California, Virginia, Washington and Little known Murray, Ky where the show is being presented. I am quite proud that my own photography group MAGPix has had several entries as well as members from the Marshall County Photography group, and the international photography group called fPOE (Female Photographers of Etsy) of which I am also a member, provided a number of entries. Am also proud to say that local artists and members of the Murray Art Guild like Marie Dolchan, Susanne Gregan, and Matt Todd have provided some lovely entries as well. By the way, Matt Todd is also having a solo show in the Guild Gallery for the Month of August. He does some amazing drawings!

Where is such a show to be held?

Art will be hung in a bathroom painted to resemble a small gallery, located at the Murray Art Guild, 500 N. 4th St. Murray, KY. August 2013 through September 2013. Please feel free to stop by and check out the show. Reception for the show will be announced later. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, Stacy Frett, at  I would be glad to share more about this show. or leave me a comment on the blog. 

My great thanks to Debi Danielson, Executive Director of the Murray Art Guild and its board members for this oppurtunity. Many of the pieces of the pieces in the show will be for sale and part ofthe proceeds given to the Murray Art Guild.

Thanks for checking it out and see you at the show!
Stacy Frett
Curator, Photographer, and member of MAG :)

Thursday, January 31, 2013