Just wanted to get the ball rolling with a preview of my self-portrait show that will be hung july 2014 at the Murray Art Guild. I haven't had a solo show since my days at Southern Illinois Universiy in 1996 and that was for drawing. Any how this is my first self-portrait photography exhibit. Over the years I have had some lovely oppurtunities to show my Photographs and drawings in places like the Arc Gallery in Chicago, Museum of Contemporary Art (Chicago), and the Chicago Cultural Cernter for various group shows and collaborations. For a long time after that I froze up and stopped showing my work, let alone creating it. It was just over four years ago that I started back into it with collage, drawing and photography. Last Novemeber I decided to brush away the cobwebs and showed a photograph called "Vintage Bike" at the Murray Art Guilds Members Show. It has been an interesting and bumpy road back into making art. My mother and biggest supporter passed away from cancer almost three years ago, I have moved to Murray Kentucky after living in Chicago. So many changes in such a short time, but I thrive on change. This you can also see in my selection of self-portraits from 2012-2013. Enjoy and tell me what you think. I am toying with show titles of "She" and "Her". I am open to new titles as wel. Drop me a line and give me your input! Thank you inadvance!
Stacy Frett -Artist, Photographer, and Wandering Soul.